The Effects of Drinking and Driving

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
The Effects of Drinking and Driving Drinking and driving is a senseless crime. Everyone is, or should be aware of how much alcohol affects one's ability to drive. It is widely publicized and a well-known fact that drinking and driving do not mix. "It is well known that alcohol in moderate quantities affects different people in a variety of ways" (Denney 26). On average if a male adult were to consume three typical alcoholic beverages he …

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…on the road or street at any given time can be the victim of the hands of a drunk driver. This crime has punished enough innocent victims, and the time has come to put an end to it. Canada has felt the excruciating effects of drunk driving since the early days of the automobile and it is time for every Canadian to take a stand against this malicious crime. Please, do not drink and drive.