The Downfall of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Mozart is still recognized as one of the greatest musicians of all times, but his lack of discipline as a child led to his downfall. The pinnacle of Mozart's success ended at an early age, but even earlier, he was thought to be a melodious mastermind. For such a gifted man with such a caring father, he made many terrible decisions throughout his life. Mozart's unpopularity was caused by his musical genius. Though greatly appreciated …

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…childhood. He was so lucky to have what he had, but he struggled throughout his life due to his carelessness. Mozart's music is loved by many today, but since his mind was set ahead of his times when he was alive, his works grew most unpopular with the well paying class. Great people come and go, but it is ashamed he his unsuccessfulness was due to his lack of discipline when he was a child.