The Domino Theory in Relation to the Vietnam War

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The struggle for Vietnam in the middle of the twentieth century came from a long rooted nationalist movement that had Vietnam pitted against itself. The North Vietnamese led by Ho Chi Minh, were trying to reunite the country after it was taken over by the Japanese during World War II. This attempt by Ho Chi Minh to unite the country went uncontested, but the fact that he tried to unite the country through military means …

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…were halted. After the United States withdrawl The North Vietnamese army eventually took over the country and the nation was unified. In the late 70's and early 80's Vietnam took over Cambodia and established a military presence in Laos. Vietnam disassociated itself from China and became very close with the Soviets. Vietnam experienced heavy economic problems because of the United States embargo. "In 1994 the United States ended its embargo and paid full recognition to Vietnam".