The Cultural Desires and Exploitation of Monstrosity in Semiotics.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
The Cultural Desires and Exploitation of Monstrosity in Semiotics The field of semiotic exists because of the realization that society has a desire to create and produce signs because it serves as an important aspect and purpose to life. We are capable of performing semiosis and representation to demonstrate the knowledge in which we come to understand the world, and conversely, it is through the came process that the world becomes familiar with the culture …

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…own monstrosity. But we however adapt these new connotative and annotative levels of signification in parallel patterns through narratives because, as suggested by Vladimirr Propp, ordinary discourse is built upon narrative structure. Therefore, we continue to cohere to A. J. Greimas model of the narrative. Monstrosity in narrative has become a necessity to humankind because each subject, desire or opponent in the narrative grammer is dynamic to a monstrous aspect and desire with our culture.