The Creation of a Jewish Homeland: A Two Thousand Year Struggle

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
<Tab/>While the independent nation of Israel was officially created in 1948, the foundation for the creation of a Jewish homeland can be traced as far back as two thousand years ago. During this period, AD 47, Israel was called Judea and it was governed by a Roman governor, who was concerned strictly with Roman interests, as it had become a province of the Roman was being . While under Roman occupation, the Jewish …

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…the Jewish Wars it is possible that Israel might never had been created. Similarly had the political persecution of the Jewish people exhibited by the Romans (and others in later years) not created a band within the Jewish community, it is possible that the impetus to create a national in Palestine might never have materialized. As such, the events of AD 70 had as much to do with creation of Israel as those of the 1900's.