The Contributions of Marcus Garvey.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
There were many important people of the Harlem Renaissance. Aside from such renowned individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, people are not aware of the many other influential people from the racial segregation time period. Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr., born August 17th 1887, also known as the "Black Moses" is one of those leaders most people are unaware of. It is a shame because he was a great man and through his …

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…backbone for the Harlem Renaissance to expand on. Through Garvey's actions, believes, and himself he created a role model for others to follow. He inspired many during an era not all that long ago. Marcus Garvey should be looked at as a grandfather figure in a sense because if it were not for him, there might not have been a Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks and racism could be at a total different level.