"The Child by Tiger" by Thomas Wolfe.

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"The Child by Tiger" by Thomas Wolfe is a short story based around a black man, Dick Prosser and the environment of the South. Though the story isn't based on primarily based on racial issues, there is a great deal of tension between the blacks and the whites. Dick endures racial oppression as a black man in a white community. One example of tension between the two races shown in the story is when Dick …

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…significant because it doesn't end with Prosser's death. The end focuses mainly on the whites and how they react to the death. The end concludes that discrimination and false stereotypes need to cease, or else an imperfect society will destroy itself. "The Child by Tiger" by Thomas Wolfe depicts major comparisons between the blacks and the whites. The story shows the impact of one racial society, the whites, emotionally eating a black man, Dick Prosser.