The Character of Amanda Wingfield in "The Glass Menagerie"

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Amanda The Character of Amanda Wingfield in "The Glass Menagerie" supplies an example of a complex individual whose communication and actions convey a slightly irritating and lonesome mother. Scene IV of "The Glass Menagerie," demonstrates these unique characteristics of Amanda. The scene takes place at about seven am the day after Tom and Amanda get into a major argument. From this scene we can reveal that Amanda's obviously an overstressed and psychotic single care taker …

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…come back. This small scene gives the reader an image of Amanda and how she contributes to the play. Her attitude and her values shape the other characters as well. In retrospect it is understood that one of the main reasons Tom left in the end of the play was because of his mothers selfishness, her constant nagging, and the many desires Amanda had for her children that Tom didn't want to put up with.