The Boston Strangler.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Starting in June 1962 and lasting until January 1964 a mysterious murderer known as the "Boston Strangler" had women in Boston fearing for their lives. He claimed 13 victims in a nineteen-month reign of terror. He would scam, sweet-talk, and break his way into his female victim's apartment and strangle them. More often then not the strangling would take place with an article of their own clothing being wrapped around their neck. The item of clothing, many times …

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…DeSalvo. The movie also featured Henry Fonda. Along with this movie another was produced titled "A True Crime". Every action the Government takes affects the public in some way. The "Boston Strangler Murders" and the actions taken to solve them by the Government had an undeniable influence on society. Now, the "Boston Strangler" is forever infamous and the Government remains working on the case. They will undoubtedly be more careful when receiving confessions from convicts.