The Birth of Birth Control: An essay on Margaret Sanger

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Essay Database > History
Who was Margaret Sanger, the name doesn't seem to ring any bells, but if you are a woman who believes it is your right to have access to birth control, you should get to know her. Margaret Sanger was the leader in making contraception available to women. Born in 1879 she was an advocate for women's issues from an early age born of Michael Higgins who was active in the cause of labor reform and social …

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…chose to fight. What would the world be today with out the woman's right to chose. I know not everyone believes in birth control today, but I think that most people would rather be an advocate of birth control and family planning rather than see more abortions and abandoned children. What Sanger did was courageous beyond belief and not only set the tone for woman's rights, but for women to speak out for their rights.