The Beatles: This is about their life,band,songs,and where they went after that.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
THE BEATLES One member of the Beatles were John Lennon. John was born on October 9, 1940. John was living in a poor household with his mother and father. When he turned 4, John's father moved away and he soon forgot about him. Later, his mother was having troubles in her life and couldn't have John around so he moved in with his Aunt Mimi and five other women realitives. He was raised in a family of women …

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…Beatle who wore many rings and was known as Ringo because of the rings he wore. He went over big with his songs "With A Little Help From My Friends" & "Yellow Submarine." Thank you Ringo, we will remember you when you pass on. I just want to thank all the Beatles and say how much I love your music. We miss the ones who died and will miss the others when their time comes.