The Bear went over the Mountain

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Bear Went Over the Mountain The main character, Hal Jam, was extremely intelligent. He showed his intelligence many times throughout the story. Before I show you how Hal Jam showed his intelligence, I must first explain a little bit of background information on the story. The story starts out in a forest, where an aspiring writer leaves a briefcase, containing his story, under a tree. A bear happens upon this briefcase, and reads the …

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…place where a bear can steal it. This book was written to spark your sense of humor, that's it. Most of the book included vulgar content, which is why there are no quotes from the book on my writing. The book was alright but I would definitely not recommend it to anyone unless you want to read about some lady having sex with a bear in the back of a taxi. That's all I've got.