The Basics of Nightclub Safety: A brief discussion about the recent nightclub fires, focus on the February 2003 West Warwick, Rhode Island fire. Main topic: Who is responible for safety?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The Basics of Nightclub Safety In February 2003, after a sudden increase of nightclub disasters, all of the trauma finally reached a climax when 97 people lost their lives in a mid-concert blaze. The West Warwick, Rhode Island nightclub's fire is now being dubbed one the deadliest fires in U.S. history. Some people blamed the band, whose pyrotechnics started the fire, while others blamed the nightclub's owners and managers. This disaster sparked nationwide arguments about who …

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…anywhere, at anytime. Because of this, public safety at nightclub concerts has become a topic of many heated conversations. Life is precious, and no one should be put in danger because someone failed to take proper safety precautions. Hopefully in the near future, more efficient planning will go into the safety of the public at special concerts and events to ensure that no one else has to risk their life to have a little fun.