The Atonal Symphony

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
For many composers, elements of symphonic form, from the classical period to the end of the romantic era, have remained relatively static. While certain conventions, such as the substitution of a scherzo for a minuet and trio, have changed from time to time, the classical symphonic form is thought to have been used unchanged or in minute variation. However, the progressive twentieth century symphonist, who has espoused both traditional form and progressive harmonic and melodic …

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…this sort of hair-splitting work is not what I advocate. I merely contend that it makes no sense to expect a piece written in 1928 to sound the same as a piece from 1728, only because the two share the same title. To this end I feel that new formal boundaries, tendencies and terminology should be used with the atonal symphony, while bearing in mind the intimate relation of these works with the other symphonies in history.