The Apache Indian culture and history.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The unique culture of the Apache Indians involved several different regional groups. These groups were the Mescalero, who roamed east of the Rio Grande in Southern New Mexico and the Pecos River; the Jicarillo in northern New Mexico, Texas and parts of Colorado; the Chiricahua, who were located in southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona and Mexico; the Western Apache which were located in Eastern Arizona, the Whiter Mountains, Cibuecue, and San Carlos; the Lipan; and …

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…brought down in 1886 and restrained in Oklahoma. (Alton) The White Mountain Reservation was established in 1871 and separated into two parts in 1897. They are now known as Fort Apache and San Carlos. As of late, several Apache reservations, including those two, have lead commercial development of reservation resources. The White Mountain Apache of Arizona manage a very popular ski resort, while other Apaches are taxing people on the oil and natural gas used on their lands.