The Aids

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The Aids The rider gives the horse instructions by means of the aids. There are two types: the natural aids - the rider's seat, hands, legs and voice; and the artificial aids - spurs, whips and some items of tack such as martingales. The hands and legs operate in combination with each other and should be applied in a co-ordinated way. There is little point in using your legs to tell the horse to walk …

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…be aware of how you feel to the horse. If your contact is too strong or too light, it will let you know by carrying its head incorrectly, by chewing its bit, in the way it moves, and even by going faster to try to get away from the discomfort. Your voice can calm and reassure the horse, or reprimand it. The horse will come to recognise the tone of voice and even some commands.