The Aeneid by Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
The Aeneid by Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil) is one of the most important pieces of classical literature because it had such an immeasurable impact on the Roman world. The Aeneid gives modern scholars an important tool in understanding both Roman mythology and the times during which the Aeneid was written, during the reign of Rome's first emperor Augustus. Under Augustus, Roman memories of the bitter civil wars that had plagued Rome for a century and …

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…be destroyed before his death because he believed it was not complete, it was published and served its purpose to unite Romans and instil in them a sense of confidence in Augustus. The reign of Augustus became know as the height of Roman times, there was peace and prosperity and confidence in the Roman public for their leader. How much of that was due to Virgil is debatable but his epic served its purpose well.