The 19th Century "Railroad Boom".

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Essay Database > History > World History
The "Railroad Boom" Starting roughly around 1854 and continuing through the 20th century, North America experienced major changes in transportation. This time could best be described as the "Railroad Boom" due to the enormous amount of time and money spent to unite America's west coast through the use of railroads. The connection of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific could very well be described as the highpoint in this early time of the railroad industry. …

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…of the time. These two railways were bought by a Canadian by the name of James Jerome Hill. Hill envisioned the expansion of farming, trade, and industry from Minnesota to the Rockies and farther, and accomplished one of the greatest feat of railroad construction in the US. The railroad was finally completed in 1893 reaching all the way to Seattle, WA. In 1890, all of Hill's railroad properties were consolidated into the Great Northern Railway Company. 454 wrds.