Texas Education-Budget Theory.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
In the state of Texas there is a rising problem of poverty. This problem is not one of just Texas, but of the entire nation. In Texas the problem seems to be a considerably larger. Not only in the number of people, but also in the amount under poverty which they are. I believe the problem is more complex than we could ever imagine. I believe the lack of education in Texas is one of …

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…of student is 20 or less and the number of periods is 5 or less divide the cost of class by 2. EX: Average student = 28 Average salary = 30,000 per yr. Number of periods = 7 (28*7) = 196 then 30,000/196 = $153.06 (cost of class) EX: Average students = 20 Average salary = 30,000 per yr. Number of period = 7 (20*7) = 140 then (30,000/140)/1.5 = $142.86 (cost of class) EX: Average students = 28 Average salary = 30,000 per yr. Number of periods = 5 (28*5) = 140 then (30,000/140)/1.5 = $142.86 (cost of class) EX: Average students = 20 Average salary = 30,000 per yr. Number of periods = 5 (20*5) = 100 then (30,000/100)/2 = $150.00 (cost of class)