Teleworking Opportunities at AT&T and their Benefits.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
The term 'telework' and 'telecommuting' are often interchangeable, meaning any official work that is being conducted away from an employee's official duty station or at some alternative work site, regardless of whether that location is a home office or some other form of a telework center. The 'tele' prefix means 'distance,' so the 'telework' combination would refer to 'work at a distance.' It means mobilizing your alternative workplace arrangements by communicating with the …

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…should be technology literate to effectively perform the necessary applications. Teleworkers need to be able to function without a level of sociability and should not be reliant on human interaction to work efficiently. They should have the proper equipment that imitates a 'virtual office' and they should be strongly motivated to avoid a stressful commute, or have certain life engagements that enable them from working at the normal locations within the normal hours of operation.