Teen driving regulations.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
A driver's license to a teen is the symbol of freedom: it means they can go anywhere and do anything and bring anyone. To take one of these rights away is nonsensical. Teenagers should be allowed to drive with other teenagers in the vehicle. Proponents for teen driving restrictions argue that teens drive dangerously and having passengers in the car only distract them more. Teenagers have enough accidents and teen passengers in these cars only …

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…drive as poorly as teens, yet there are no laws restricting them, is there? You cannot punish a group because of a statistic or average, it is unfair and would just cause more problems than it would solve. To punish every teen driver because of a careless few would be wrong. Teens should be allowed to drive with other teens in the car because it's not an accident waiting to happen, it's a social life.