Technical term definition of a Trojan Horse.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Trojan Horse Merriam-Webster defines a Trojan horse as "a seemingly useful computer program that contains concealed instructions which when activated perform an illicit or malicious action". When you hear the term "Trojan horse", it brings to mind the story of the Iliad by the Greek poet Homer. In this story, a large hollow wooden horse was filled with many Greek soldiers and brought within the walls of the city of Troy. The soldiers then destroyed …

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…EditServer" pictured above. Through the use of the "bind server with EXE file" function and the "change server icon" function, this Trojan horse can be disguised as anything the user wants. This is especially dangerous in today's society, with the use of peer-to-peer clients such as "KaZaA", "Morpheus", and "WinMX". With the availability of commercial programs that cost anywhere from $25 to $500+ for free to download, users unknowingly download the Trojan horse programs all the time.