Teacher's notes on Past Tenses for those who learn English as a foreing language.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
What tenses are there in the English language? 1.Present Tense, 2.Past Tense, 3.Future, 4.Present Perfect Tense, 5.Past Perfect Tense, and 6.Future Perfect Tense. Progressive (continuous) forms all contain present participles: 1.Present Progressive: I am working now. 2.Past Progressive: I was working yesterday. 3.Future Progressive: I will be working all day tomorrow. 4.Present Perfect Progressive: I have been working this morning. 5.Past Perfect Progressive: I had been working before he came in. 6.Future Perfect Progressive: This …

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…it happen?") Present Perfect with time reference: Present Perfect refers to time periods in progress. Compare: This year I have passed more exams than the last year. Last year I took six exams. (past simple) I have eaten my breakfast this morning. Yesterday morning I didn't have my breakfast. (past simple) Therefore, if a specific moment (the year, morning, evening etc.) is still going on at the time of speech we use Present Perfect Tense.