Taiwan-Taipei, brief city guide.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Taipei is the current capital of the Republic of China, and as that, it is vivacious blend of traditional Chinese culture and cosmopolitan life. It is the center of politics, economy, education and recreation of the country and offers a wide selection of sights. Taipei city is located in the northern basin of Taiwan, taking the Dan Shui river, Hsin Dian river, Keelung river and Taipei Province as boundaries. It was originally inhabited by native …

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…but I think it is doubtless for one to claim that Taiwan is developing as fast as any country in the world. What make it even more special is that Taiwan does not forget about the Chinese tradition. They emphasize on the importance of knowing and remembering the history of Taiwan through education. From Confucius thinking to the 3 People's Principles, this is why Taipei is growing fast as a rocket to reach to such standard.