THis essay is about Working for Welfare (workfare) and why I disagree with the idea.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Working for welfare can be very helpful for people who really need it. It will help the government establish those who really need welfare, apposed to those who do not need it. The government therefore thought of a way to help our community while helping the welfare recipients. Which is called workfare. There are many arguments about workfare and there will be for quite awhile. Workfare doesn't necessarily mean that we are helping people get …

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…your time's up, we'll wash our hands of you'. (Flanders, Stephanie B8). Ms. Almonte ovioulsly wants and needs help, but the workfare program is not helping her. In conclusion, if New York State helped welfare recipients efficiently find jobs, we would have less to worry about. Because just having people work jobs workfare doesn't guarantee that they will get a job. The government should try to make more jobs and help welfare recipients get them.