Sun Yat-Sen: Father of the Chinese Republic.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
"SUN YAT-SEN: 'THE FATHER OF THE CHINESE REPUBLIC'" Known to millions of people as "the Father of the Chinese Republic," Sun Yat-Sen holds an extraordinary place in modern China's complex and tumultuous history. He serves as an inspiration and a political dignitary to the most radical and diverse political parties. Although Sun was such an extraordinary influence on Chinese history, he actually spent much of his life in exile, and many of his plans of …

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…Father of the Republic of China." His picture is still found in ceremonial locations such as outside of legislative buildings and in classrooms. Sun's corpse quickly became a political symbol. An immense mausoleum was built near the capital of NanJing and his body was sent across China, making his burial an event of the century. To this day, Sun's strong convictions and oddly mixed political fortunes remain essential in China's history of revolution and renovation.