Summary of the Hobbit Evaluation of the Hobbit Description of Bilbo Baggins

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The Hobbit <Tab/>J.R.R. Tolkien's, The Hobbit is a story about a long and dangerous journey that a group of dwarves and a single Hobbit depart on, in search for their ancestors stolen treasure through the mythical lands of middle earth. Before I start this tale let me tell you what a Hobbit is. Hobbits are small merry creatures, about half the size of an average man, fat in …

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…with great respect. However if Bilbo was getting annoying and complaining a lot the dwarves would tell him to shut-up. <Tab/> <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> <Tab/> <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> <Tab/> <Tab/>