Summary of Down Syndrome/ Symtoms and treatments

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Down Syndrome This disease is called Down syndrome and is also known as Trisomy 21 because it happens "at" the 21st chromosome. It was discovered and named after a British physician called John Langdon Haydon Down who first studied it in 1866. It was called Mongolism at first because Mongolia is in Asia and they thought that Down syndrome people look like Asians. This disease is not one of those physically painful really gross ones that you …

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…also believe that this will definitely NOT be for free and it will cost tons and tons. I hope that soon they will be able to do this so every one in the world can savor a rich and fulfilling life. Bibliography: Picture: htm2/downs.3.htm Information: World Book Encyclopedia p.316 Down Syndrome Anne Christake Cornwell By Tarek El Torgoman