Study the evolution of armor throughout the Middle Ages. How did the armor of the barbarians differ from that of the Carolingian period?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Study the evolution of armor throughout the Middle Ages. How did the armor of the barbarians differ from that of the Carolingian period? Describe the armor of a knight depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry. What tactical and technological factors in the thirteenth century led to a transformation in armor construction? Describe the benefits and liabilities of full plate armor in warfare. As DeVries notes, the most dramatic impact on Roman armor was not an introduction …

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…be able to afford to do--for the progress of offensive armament was such that to not own the new plate armor was an invitation to death. However, plate armor was very heavy, weighing in 23-28 kilograms for battlefield armor, and was very poorly ventilated--causing dehydration in summer and was no doubt 'cold-steel' in winter. One additional downfall was the amount of time necessary for a soldier to adorn the entire array of plate armor sections.