Study Crusader Syria as a feudal military frontier. Identify the principle weaknesses of the Crusader states. How were these weaknesses overcome?

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Latin states established during the First Crusade were under constant attack from the invading Islams from the east; therefore, causing the organization of military forces on the Syrian frontier to adapt. The most pressing concern for the Christian cause was manpower--and what manpower was readily available was usually of little military value. Europeans crusaded in great numbers, eager to fight for the Holy Land, but very few Europeans actually stayed behind or emigrated to …

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…of the Frankish feudal system in Syria. Despite their playing an often times heroic role in the victories or defeats of the Christian armies in the late twelfth century, it was the orders pursuit of total military independence and the reliance on soldiers for hire that caused the final break of military control that had established the Frankish empire, and in essence transformed the Christian East into a "society organized for war." (Beeler pp. 122-130)