Stress on the body.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Stress can cause a numerous problems on one's body and mental state. In 1956, when a Canadian physician Hano Selye introduced "stress" when he published the book "The Stress of Life". His concept has been embraced by popular culture ever since. Stress can affect people in different ways depending on one's environment. It has both physical and emotional effects on us and can create either positive or negative feelings. For example, a positive influence, stress can …

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…breathing which brings your heart rate and respiration back to normal. Relaxation techniques can reduce muscle tension and exercise helps to release tensions that have been built up. Medications can help in the short term in moderating your physical reactions to stress but does not help in the long term. However, all these alone are not the answer. Learning to moderate your reactions on your own is the best long-term solution to one's stress problem.