Stress and work essay for psychology.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Stress and work Through its effects on psychological and physical health, stress can affect performance at work. All jobs involve a certain amount of stress, but there is a growing interest in work conditions that increase stress. For example public and private companies have to maintain productivity and performance at high standards but are both affected by stress related illness. Here are some sources of stress which apply to most workers : - * Relations with co-workers …

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…so having little opportunity for social contact. The control over work was minimal. Compared to other workers in the mill, these workers had high blood pressure, a high rate of stomach and intestinal disorders, including ulcers and they were more likely to suffer headaches. Urine analysis showed they had high levels of adrenaline and noradrenalin. These findings suggest stress while working. The experiment concludes that this was primarily due to lack of control over work.