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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Everyone has stress, and we all have different stressors. Each person has their own way of coping with stress. some ignore their problems while others face them head on. There are four types of stressors and we all experience them at some point in our lives. One of these stressors is hassles. Hassles are a part of everyday life, but if they aren't coped with, they an cause major problems. One hassle in my life …

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…you can make better use of your recourses. Stress is a normal part of life. Everyone experiences stress and everyone has their own way of handling it. Talking and learning about stress teach you how to manage and cope with it. Stress can either destroy you or make you who you are. I chose to let stress make me into a stronger person. As long as I keep managing my stress, I should be okay.