Stephen Hawking.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Determination, love, and intelligence. Thousands of people across the world, nay, across history, have exhibited these qualities. But how many of them have acted on that determination, done what they loved, used their intelligence, triumphed over overwhelming adversity? How many of them do we really remember and have what it takes to be the most influential scientist of the 20th and 21st centuries? One person does, and his name is Stephen W. Hawking, the man …

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…Cambridge office, and loving life. We can all learn something from this man; not because he was different nor because he was disabled: We can learn something from this man, because of what he has achieved, what he did in spite of disability. References: Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. Bantam Boooks, 1988, New York. White, Michael. Gribbon, John. Stephen Hawking A Life in Science. Penguin Books Ltd, 1992, New York.