"Stay Gold"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
This book report was done for S.E. Hinton's novel, THE OUTSIDERS. In my essay, I explore the quote, "stay gold" and it's meaning. I used a poem that was in the novel to express this topic (the poem is by Robert Frost). What it basically is about is the cycle of life. Title: "Stay Gold" I have just recently completed reading S.E. Hinton's novel, The Outsiders. The author raises many topics faced by …

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…that almost anyone who can do something a little childish once in a while will be able to stay gold. The poem is all about the cycle of life and about how short the best part of it is. Being a child is one of the only times in life where you get to try so many new things in such a short period of time. So staying gold means just being young at heart.