Star wars generic core explanation.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
People naturally make sense of the world by "simplifying" it. They are constantly and subconsciously classifying and grouping each object, event or action that takes place. Thus genres are born. The word genre is a term used to state a group of things that share the same characteristics or they are similar in looks or part of a family of similar objects. Example when we watch a movie with spacecrafts, the moon, aliens, stars ect. …

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…special effects, and impressive orchestral sound tracks. The setting of Star Wars is varied between Space ships, Alien planets, and the Universe. These all being the typical factors of Science fiction genre The presumed audience would most likely be adult viewers and adult viewers, male and female. Now after comparing Star Wars to the elements of Science Fiction Genre and using Solomon's generic core theory we can establish that it is a Science fiction film.