Sprawl .

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
When analyzing the positive and negative effects of sprawl in my life, I was first inclined to write a mostly negative response. However, after researching sprawl and more specifically, urban planning and public policy, my opinions began to shift. I clearly stated shift, and not change. I still feel that the opening up of a Home Depot in a small rural town can be adverse for the local residents in the sense that it can …

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…other mutual respect since it is not wise to fight against our country's growth. According to Dr. Staley, by 2010, population, economy, personal income, jobs, and farm output will achieve double-digit growth. If that is so, the citizens of this country will expect their lives to improve as well. The only way that will occur is if they do not fight the changes to their environment, but rather work with the government to accommodate those changes.