Sports Literature and Literacy.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
VandeStaay writes that a typical young adult reader, "reads" with an eye to responding, and in each case his response reflects his needs, thoughts, and feelings, as well as the context of his situation. The reader is what the reader does and is most fully alive when most fully engaged, therefore this researcher found that when student who was passionate about sports was presented with reading material that was sports related, he did not view …

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…school can achieve too goals, get the student more interested in reading and allow the teacher to be more comfortable in approaching the student with required material. In short, if the teacher is able to provide reading material that the student will respond to, such as sports literature for the boys, then the teach will also feel more comfortable in assigning reading and teaching reading since the will have more receptive students to teach. (Ivey, 2001)