Splendid Isolation.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
After the Napoleon's near conquest of the entire world, Europe's power players felt it was necessary to instill a balance-of-power diplomacy. These countries could not afford another Napoleonic crisis to threaten their rule. At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the British representative, Castlereagh, developed the policy of "splendid isolation." British diplomats followed proudly followed this policy in the years following the Congress, trying to maintain the balance of power in Europe. Without this British policy, …

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…of violence. The policy was revolutionary and efficient. Without it, Europe would have been in ruins long before the start of the 20th century. However, some nations' desire for power was too great and the policy would prove to be ineffective. Britain would need to ally itself or else it would no longer be a great force in the scheme of European power. Thus, marking the end of the one hundred year reign of peace.