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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
My essay is on spiders. I have chosen a few spiders to report about. I also have some basic info about spiders in general. Spiders comprise a large, widespread group of carnivorous arthropods. They have eight legs, can produce silk, and usually have poison glands associated with fangs. More than 30,000 species of spiders are found on every continent except Antarctica in almost every kind of terrestrial habitat and a few aquatic ones as well. Spiders …

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…that they encountered. No North American species has a venom that is dangerous to humans, but tarantula body hairs may induce an allergic reaction. Tarantulas can give you a painful bite. Tarantulas occur in warmer regions, where they feed on both invertebrates and small vertebrates. Many grow to about 2.5 to 7.5 cm (1 to 3 in) long, with a 13-cm species (5-in) legspan, and some South American bird-catching species are larger. Some tarantulas reach an age of 20 years.