Specific Heat of Metal and Water - To determine which substance has higher heat capacity; water or metal.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Physics Specific Heat of Metal and Water Purpose: To determine which substance has higher heat capacity; water or metal. Background Information: 1)Temperature: Quantity that tells how hot or cold something is compared to a standard. 2)Heat: Energy that transfers from one object to another because temperature difference. It is energy in transit from a body of higher temperature to one of lower temperature. 3)Mass: measure of an object's inertia or the amount of matter in …

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…heated it up even faster because it absorbed heat coming off the stove and then the water absorbed some of this heat. The water took the heat energy coming off the stove and stored it. That means that wate has a higher heat capacity than metal. This is proved by the data that shows that he beaker with the lead had a final temperature 10 degrees higher than that of water alone in the other beaker.