Solutions for the Arab Israeli Crisis: includes the occupied territories, jerusalem and refugees.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Occupied Territories: To achieve peace in the Middle East, several things are necessary. I think the United States government needs to put pressure on Ariel Sharon to co-operate with the following demands. First of all, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip need to be declared "Palestine", to create a homeland for the Palestinians. The Jewish settlers must be ordered out of these territories to create peaceful conditions. Those Jews that choose to remain will …

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…pressure on Ariel Sharon for any of this ever to happen. Refugees: To solve the problem of the 700,000 refugees, who left Palestine, there is only one thing to do: give all those Palestinian refugees who wish to return to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip the right to do so. It is more than likely that many of them have made homes and settled down in other countries, and no longer wish to return.