Sojourner Truth is an icon of the most American of ideals for her activism in various areas.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Sojourner Truth, an ex-slave and fiery abolitionist, figure of imposing form, captivating preacher who impressed listeners with her wit and originality. Sojourner Truth was straight talking and unsentimental, who became a national symbol for strong black women, undeniably to all strong women. She is regarded as a radical of immense and enduring influence. Although Truth was illiterate throughout her life the enormity of that obstacle, and the prejudices of her day, which oppressed African-Americans and …

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…any man in her ability to work, bear pain and suffering, and determine her own future. As an African-American, Truth challenged the racist ideas that her people were morally and spiritually inferior to whites. Sojourner Truth has undoubtedly earned her place among the great and courageous figures, the leaders in the struggle for equality, in United States history. Her struggle to fight for gender and racial equality provide a powerful symbol for modern freedom movements