Socrates asks "What is Justice". I explained what "justice" is by breaking down all that i learned in class.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Bhumendra Jadubans Dr. Ronnie Klein Question 3 Glaucon and Adeimantus' challenges justice by way of three views, these views are 1. Glaucon's social contract theory (358e-359b), 2. The story of Gyges' Ring (359b-360e), and 3. The comparison of lives (360e-362c). Adeimantus says that according to the most common defenses of justice that are offered, the advantages of justice come from seeming just, not from being just (362e-367a). In other words people are only "just" because …

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…naturally put here to do then we are happy. This is based on Plato's view of how everyone will be paired up the job that they so deserve in his just city, i.e. the money-making productive class, the auxiliary or military class, and the ruling class or guardians. Since everyone is paired with there perfect job then everyone will be happy, they will be truly happy because that's what his or her souls desires.