Socrates and faithfulness.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Socrates Manipulating his Accusers? Faithfulness is a vague word that can be defined in several contexts. The word itself, "faithfulness," most obviously means full of faith, but the word is more obtusely inclusive in its definition. In the sense of marriage, it is most commonly defined as not committing adultery. Faithfulness can also be expanded to include devotion to one's family as well as humanity itself. There is even a physical sense to faithfulness: a …

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…that he manipulated the public into questioning him and they deemed him a traitor for doing so. The public could have been so afraid to question what their government and popular belief had taught them that they ran from anything that could prove otherwise. Thus, Socrates' wisdom was precedent in his teachings and daily life and therefore, he could have felt complete faithfulness to his wisdom as well as the gods who guided his life.