Socialist whitlam in 1972-1975.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
We are a government committed to bringing change into about social and economical aspects of our country." (Hayden, Speech, 1973) The Whitlam government's term was filled with controversy, scandals and public protest however, despite criticism of the government it is undoubted that within its term, 5 December 1972- 11 November 1975, the government was significantly influenced by socialist ideals through directing its policies relating to the social, economic and government aspects of society. The government adapted 'crash through or …

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…of the socialist ideology within the Whitlam government from 1972- 1975 social factors, the centralisation of resources and redistribution of social power have been closely scrutinized. Furthermore, economic policy on controlling healthcare, taxation, business and employment reflect the Whitlam government was indeed greatly influenced by socialist ideals. Finally, the all important government structure of the Whitlam government has been decidedly labelled as partially socialist, therefore classifying the Whitlam government in Australia as a functioning socialist state.