Social analysis of death penalty/capital punishment. The capital punishment system is broken; why and how it is flawed.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
Our capital punishment system is broken, concerned more with expediency than justice and with appearing tough far more than being effective. Many factors contribute when making this statement such as innocence, morality, deterrence, cost, justice, cruelty as well as many others. This is a social issue that arises many questions. The first established death penalty laws date back as far as the eighteenth century B.C. in the Code of Hammurabi, which codified the death …

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…Bedau) The use of the death penalty only lowers the standards of government to the mentality of the murderer himself. It does not make sense that murder is against the law, yet it is lawful for the government to commit murder as long as it is in the name of justice. We do not punish rape with rape, or burn down the house of an arsonist. We should not, therefore, punish the murderer with death.