Skeleton's in the Closet. A creative imaginative story about a deadly disease threatening to kill all life on earth.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Skeletons in the closet It is the year 2112 and the incurable 'kills all' disease plagues the world. The disease attacks all forms of life and has spread at such a fast rate that nobody has been able to find a cure. Scientists attempting to find a cure for the disease are more susceptible to catching the disease; this has caused mass hysteria, especially in what remains of the United States of America. People are confined …

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…America and the GBI Bob was sentenced to death, his name became almost evil. Fred's remains stropped talking shortly after Bob's death, so the President of the United States gave Fred a funeral fit for a King and laid him to rest in a beautiful tomb in the elite galactic cemetery. Bob's body was cast away never to be seen again, and the memory of Fred's sacrifice for the world lived on into this legend.