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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Skating Imagine that you've just turned 16 and your parents bought you a brand new Mustang. You're cruising on the street at approximately 25 miles per hour. So maybe you're not breaking the speed limit, but everyone's staring. You feel the light breeze through your hair. Then you're in the air, 12 feet high. Finally, you land on your back and come this (gesture 6 in.) close to cracking your skull. What happened? You were skating. As Aaron Spohn, …

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…and in Singapore and England. It is predicted to be the fastest- growing sport between now and 2001. It is on the National Sporting Goods Association list as one of the 20 top participation sports in America, while it overtakes football and softball.16 Baseball, skiing, snowboarding, tennis and soccer aren't even on the list, nor do they provide as many positive overall effects. Hopefully you have seen what skating can do for you in all three ways.