Ska music

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Three Waves of Ska Music is one medium through which a generation can express itself. For a generation of suppressed, restless, working-class youths living in early 1960's Jamaica, this voice was a genre of music known as ska. Since its original appearance, ska has resurfaced twice. Ska music has been presented to three generations of fans in three separate "waves." Its humble beginnings lead to one of the most influential styles of music present in …

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…can be seen on the street, in clubs, and at school and work. In its three different phases, ska has given voices to seemingly voiceless generations. Each time it comes back, a new message is taken up, however, the old messages have not been forgotten. Ska has influenced many things including fashion, antiracism, social classes, as well other music. Ska originated in a small poor country, yet it went on to spread throughout the world.